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Surrendered Sleep A Biblical Perspective Charles W Page 9780983138105 Books

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Download PDF Surrendered Sleep A Biblical Perspective Charles W Page 9780983138105 Books

Struggling with sleep? Wondering if the One who created rest in the first place has anything to say about it? Surrendered Sleep approaches insomnia from a biblical perspective and exposes several heart attitudes you may experience in your journey for rest. Be more aware of God's activity as you prepare for rest. Understand how pursuing God is associated with refreshing sleep. Understand strategies that predispose to a good night's sleep. Effectively battle thoughts and attitudes that can potentially hinder sleep. Integrate a personal approach to health and the Christian faith. Learn to sacrifice sleep to serve others.

Surrendered Sleep A Biblical Perspective Charles W Page 9780983138105 Books

Whether you have a sleep disorder or not, I highly recommend this read! Dr. Charles Page has included a sleep diary and pages to take notes, He teaches one how to prepare for a good night's sleep, how to break bad habits that disturb one's sleep, how to recognize God as the One who watches over us constantly, yet never sleeps. He also teaches one how to recognize what kind of sleep disorder may be hindering your sleep, and if you just can't sleep, how to use that time to work for God. This is an absolutely well researched and informative book. Dr. Page has put a lot of time, effort, and thought into developing and writing the book. Whether you have a sleep disorder, a friend or family member who has sleep difficulties, or even wanting a closer relationship with God and the Christian community; you should read this book!

Product details

  • Paperback 187 pages
  • Publisher Camino Real Publishers; 1st edition (September 15, 2011)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0983138109

Read Surrendered Sleep A Biblical Perspective Charles W Page 9780983138105 Books

Tags : Surrendered Sleep: A Biblical Perspective [Charles W. Page] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Struggling with sleep? Wondering if the One who created rest in the first place has anything to say about it? Surrendered Sleep approaches insomnia from a biblical perspective and exposes several heart attitudes you may experience in your journey for rest. Be more aware of God's activity as you prepare for rest. Understand how pursuing God is associated with refreshing sleep. Understand strategies that predispose to a good night's sleep. Effectively battle thoughts and attitudes that can potentially hinder sleep. Integrate a personal approach to health and the Christian faith. Learn to sacrifice sleep to serve others.,Charles W. Page,Surrendered Sleep: A Biblical Perspective,Camino Real Publishers,0983138109,Religion & Spirituality Christianity,Non-Classifiable,Nonfiction
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Surrendered Sleep A Biblical Perspective Charles W Page 9780983138105 Books Reviews

When I first saw this book, I was curious about how there could be a biblical approach to insomnia. The Bible doesn’t say a lot on this subject specifically, but it turns out to have a lot more to say about sleep generally than you might think.
If you’ve already read a lot of “sleep hygiene” literature, some of this book will sound familiar. But Dr. Page takes the approach to healthful sleep to a whole new level.

Whereas most sleep literature focuses on behaviors, Dr. Page understands that there’s more to sleeplessness than the temperature of your room or what time you turn in. He gets it. The things that keep us awake aren’t really our outward habits. The things that keep us awake are our inward anxieties and troubles.

That’s why this book has chapters on relationships, work, and finances—often tops on my list of late-night rumination. He also examines how a closer walk with God, while it might not put us to sleep, will make the sleeplessness easier to cope with.

Plenty of sleep researchers have said something like, if you can’t sleep after half an hour, get up and do something else until you’re sleepy. Which if you’re like me could mean you’re up until 2 or 3 a.m. reading or knitting. Or reading and knitting.

Dr. Page is the first writer I’ve seen suggest that if you’re still awake in the middle of the night, you should probably be praying about whatever is keeping you up.

The book contains a lot of thoughtful questions to probe what is troubling you and where you stand with God. My copy is now thoroughly highlighted and Post-It noted.

There are a few problems with the book; some awkward sentences and typos. The interior page design is striking, but kind of odd and distracting, diced up by dark horizontal and vertical bars. The exploration questions are placed in the margins over a dark gray background, so get a good dark pen if you choose to use the book as a workbook; otherwise your responses will be hard to read. But these are quibbles.

The writing is solid, and the book is well-thought-out and thought-provoking. It may not cure your insomnia outright, but it may lessen the symptoms. It will certainly make insomnia easier to live with.

Disclosure The author provided me with a free copy of this book for review purposes.
Have you ever had a hard time sleeping? Not just one night but nights on end? Why can't I sleep you wonder? Well, Dr. Charles Page has an answer to your sleep questions in his book, A Biblical Perspective on SLEEP.
I, too, have had some weeks where I couldn't sleep at night. I thought it's just my hormones or I've had too much caffeine. But after reading Surrendered SLLEP A Biblical Perspective, Turning Your Heart To God While Facing Sleep Disorders and Insomnia I've come to realize that a human's sleep can also be sign of not enough physical activity.
Dr. Page addresses this matter in Chapter 10, A Wise Heart Physical Activity and Diet. On page 96 and I quote, "The Bible suggests that there is a link between our physical activity and the ability to sleep well. A wise heart will incorporate a lifestyle of exercise into his daily routine." After reading this chapter I realized that on the days that I did yard work and mowed the lawn with a push mower my sleep was much better and deeper. So, now I try to exercise every day. It really does work! Exercise works for me!
Also, I found it interesting that sleep and the heart go hand-in-hand. What is in the heart makes for a better sleep in humans. This book is chock full of wonderful insights and biblical attitudes on sleep.
I love the way Dr. Page has incorporated scripture to validate his answers to sleeping well.
Each of the book pages also gives the reader amble room to write notes and a lot of the pages have questions on the sides for the reader to answer and make notes.
Don't miss another night's this book and get rested!
Balin jam ("May your pass your night in peace").
In a sense, sleep is a natural human experience. Remove the barriers to sleep and you’ll sleep better. Expect God’s presence as you sleep.
Love the biblical perspective. The author is knowledgable about the bible and does a great job in helping me understand my occasional sleeplessness. It changed my view from struggling to embracing the opportunity to listen to God speak, and helped me understand that I needed peace in my relationship with God in order to ensure blissful rest.
Whether you have a sleep disorder or not, I highly recommend this read! Dr. Charles Page has included a sleep diary and pages to take notes, He teaches one how to prepare for a good night's sleep, how to break bad habits that disturb one's sleep, how to recognize God as the One who watches over us constantly, yet never sleeps. He also teaches one how to recognize what kind of sleep disorder may be hindering your sleep, and if you just can't sleep, how to use that time to work for God. This is an absolutely well researched and informative book. Dr. Page has put a lot of time, effort, and thought into developing and writing the book. Whether you have a sleep disorder, a friend or family member who has sleep difficulties, or even wanting a closer relationship with God and the Christian community; you should read this book!
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